Kill Bill Vol. I

"The Bride vs. Gogo and The Crazy 88's (alt. Version)


Diese Szenen sind aus der japanischen Unrated Limited Edition DVD von 'Kill Bill' genommen. Sie enthalten zusätzliche Szenen, die aus dem Original geschnitten wurden und vollständig in Farbe sind.


This is taken from the Japanese Unrated Limited Edition DVD of Kill Bill. It contains extra scenes that were cut from the original and is completely in color. 

Auch hier wieder dieser wichtige  Hinweis ...

Reasons why the movie theater and regular dvd versions were in black and white:

+ Tarantino was forced to censor the scene in some way to limit the visual of obscene gore. The MPAA did not specify how to do this so he decided to cut a few scenes and change it to black and white (Black & White was also intended for artistic purposes and to fit the flow of the movie (such as the beginning) that happened to fit well with censorship.)

+ He also chose black and white as an underlying obscure/random reference to the 70s and 80s. There are 88 keys on a standard piano, the Crazy 88's wear black and white (the colors of a piano). [Why Piano? Tarantino likes to use instrumental metaphors in almost all of his works]

+ During production they under estimated the amount of blood needed to shoot the scene. They ran out of blood and thus made the scene B/W to hide some of the clear splatters and spray effects.