Pretty Woman

"Edward offers Vivian some money", USA 1990


Edward: Vivian, I have a business proposition for you.

Vivian: What do you want? 

Edward: I'm gonna be in town until Sunday. I'd like you to spend the week with me.

Vivian: Really? 

Edward: Yes. Yes, I'd like to hire you as an employee. Would you consider spending a week with me?

Vivian: [Laughs Awkwardly]

Edward: I will pay you to be at my beck and call.

Vivian: Look, I'd love to be your "beck and call girl", but you're a rich, good-lookin' guy. You could get a million girls free!

Edward: I want a professional. I don't need any romantic hassles this week.

Vivian: If you're talkin' 24 hours a day, it's gonna cost you.

Edward: Oh, yes, of course! All right, here we go.



Edward: Give me a ballpark figure. How much?

Vivian: Six full nights, days too. .... Four thousand!

Edward: Six nights at 300 is 1800! 

Vivian: You want days too. 

Edward: Two thousand.

Vivian: Three thousand. 

Edward: Done.

Vivian: Holy shit ! [Laughs]

Edward: Vivian?! Vivian, is that a YES?

Vivian: Yes. [Spitting, Laughing] Yes!

Edward: I'll be gone most of the day. I want you to buy some clothes.

Vivian: You really should think about traveler's checks. 

Edward: We may be going out evenings. You'll need something to wear. 

Vivian: Like what?

Edward: Uh, nothing too flashy. Not too sexy. Conservative. You understand? 

Vivian: Boring.

Edward: Elegant. Any questions?

Vivian: Can I call you Eddie? 

Edward: Not if you expect me to answer.

Vivian: I would've stayed for 2000.

Edward: I would've paid four. I'll see you tonight. 

Vivian: Baby, I'm gonna treat you so nice, you're never gonna wanna let me go.

Edward: Three thousand for six days. And, Vivian, I will let you go.

[Edward has just closed the door]

Vivian: But I'm here now. [Laughing Wildly] [Whooping]

Three thousand dollars!
