Manager Barney: Excuse me, miss, may I help you?
Vivian: I'm going to my room.
Barney: Uh, do you have a key?
Vivian: Oh. I forgot that cardboard thing. I'm on the top floor.
Barney: You're a guest here?
Vivian: I'm with a friend.
Manager Barney: And who would that be?
Vivian: Edward.
Manager Barney: Edward?
[Elevator Bell Dings]
Vivian: Edward... Edward, uh--
Vivian: He knows me. [Vivian is pointing at Elevator boy Dennis]
Manager Barney: Dennis. Dennis, did you just come off the night shift? Hmm?
Dennis: Yes, sir.
Manager Barney: Do you know this young lady?
Dennis: She's with ... Mr. Lewis.
Manager Barney: Mr. Lewis?
Vivian: That's it. Edward Lewis! Thanks, Dennis.
Dennis: Evidently she joined him last night.
Manager Barney: Thank you.
[Vivian]Oh, God! What now? What? What? What is with everybody today?
Manager Barney: No, no. It's all right. Just come with me. We'll have a little chat. Thank you. Dennis, thank you.
Vivian: I'm coming.
[At Manager's office]
Manager Barney: Uh, what is your name, Miss?
Vivian: What do you want it to be?
Manager Barney: Don't play with me, young lady.
Vivian: Vivian.
Manager Barney: Thank you. Vivian. Well, Miss Vivian. Things that go on in other hotels don't happen at the Regent Beverly Wilshire. Now, Mr. Lewis, however, is a very special customer, and we like to think of our special customers as friends. Now, as a customer, we would expect Mr. Lewis to sign in any additional guests, but as a friend, we're willing to overlook it. Now, I'm assuming that you're a ... Relative?
Vivian: Yes.
Manager Barney: I thought so. Then you must be his ...
Vivian: Niece?
Manager Barney: Of course. Naturally, when Mr. Lewis leaves, I won't see you in this hotel again. I assume you have no other uncles here.
Manager Barney: Good ! Then we understand each other. I would also encourage you ...
Manager Barney: to dress a little more appropriately; that'll be all.
Vivian: No, that's not all. That's what I was trying to do. I tried to go ... get a dress on Rodeo Drive today, and the women wouldn't help me. And I have all this money now and no dress! Not that I expect you to help me, but I have all of this, okay? I have to buy a dress for dinner tonight. And nobody will help me.
Manager Barney: [ picks up the phone]
Vivian: Oh, man, if you're callin' the cops. Yeah, call the cops. That's great. Tell 'em I said hi.
Manager Barney: Women's clothing. Bridget, please.
Vivian: [Blowing Nose Loudly]
Manager Barney: Yes, Bridget. Hello. This is Barnard Thompson here at the Regent Beverly Wil-- ...[Chuckles] Thank you, yes, but I'd like you to do a favor for me, please. I'm sending someone over. Her name is Vivian. She's a special guest! She's the niece of a very special guest!
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