Request a password!

The generally accessible pages of this site are protected with a password. This is for limiting of an controlled access. The required password can easily requested by me. Just send me an email along with a friendly note via the → contact form. I will respond ASAP and send you the current valid password via the given e-mail.  The one-time entry of the current password unlocks ALL generally accessible pages.


Only the → family pages requires a separate password due to privacy regulations. This will be given to you on special request. All passwords are changed on a regular basis due to security purposes.  


If there is no (more) access possible, the password has been changed. In this case, just send me an email via the → contact form along with a friendly note. I will contact you immediately and send you the current valid password for the respective access to the e-mail address, which you have indicated in your mail.

In the meantime, you can listen to this wonderful piece of art, of great music from the older days, which describes me and the sense of this project. 

In fact, the song by the famous and great german singer/songwriter Udo Jürgens which was active and very successful over decades, titled What I Want To Say To You, says my piano, describes in a good way - albeit in other words - what the meaning of the website stands for. Unfortunately, the song is not in English, but here you can find the english words!


The other song from the british band 'Moody Blues' also fits - very much -  on me and I like it, from a special point of view, very much. You can find the details on this case here and gives in - (a very special way for me - , always a good memory for those days, which are gone now!


Even though, this time has now unfortunately passed, it was such a wonderful time, in fact: it was the best time I ever had  . . .