"Hi lovies. I can't believe this is done. I've been seeing this video in my home for the last few months and I just didn't have enough outlander to work with. THEN, THIS EPISODE HAPPENED. You watch the show. You understand. I have no words, and definitely no emotions left.
This show continually ruins my life in the best possible way. But no other show has made me THIS emotional. I've definitely made it close, but this one has sent me over the edge. I just really wanted to portray that through this video. How much it makes me feel. And how much these two have been through and have yet to go through. This was such a huge moment for them and It was so brilliantly done. I only hope I did it justice.
If you haven't seen it, obviously I'm going to yell at you and tell you to drop everything and catch up now, but please understand you are about to embark on a very emotionally unstable journey for yourself. It's totally worth every second but you have to be ready for it."
by Forever22
Chapeau! <verneig>
Der obige und rechts aufgeführte Text, welchen ich sehr, sehr gerne vom Ersteller 'forever22' dieses absolut wundervollen und schönen Videos mit eingefügt habe, drückt das aus, was auch ICH sagen will ... und es (noch) nicht (so richtig) kann. Eine dermaßen, aber dermaßen unfassbare emotionale Wirkung von Outlander ... die es (für mich) unmöglich macht, 'Outlander' ohne jegliche Gefühle anzusehen ...
The above and on the right listed text, which I very much like to have inserted by the creator 'forever22' of this absolutely wonderful and beautiful video, also expresses what I also want to say ... Such a, but so incomprehensible emotional effect of Outlander ... makes it impossible (for me) to see 'Outlander' without any feelings ...
→ Recap Season 1 → Trailer Season 1 → Die Hochzeit → Jamie bringt Claire zu den Steinen → Übergabe Hochzeitsgeschenk
→ I'll have to go back! → Faith - Extended Scene → Rückkehr auf Schloss Lallybroch
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