Outlander II

In memoriam Faith Fraser, † 1744


English language, [07:57 min]

In memoriam Faith Fraser, † 1744


... ist eine dermaßen immens bildgewaltige Compilation von Szenen aus der Season 2, die in einem einzigartigen Arrangement zu einer neuen, kraftvollen Komposition, zusammengefügt wurde.


Meinen und von allen Fans draußen unseren "unendlichen" Dank an die Erstellerin dieses absolut epochalen Werkes, die mithilfe eines genialen Schnitts, Overdubs, Überblendungen und Auswahl der passenden Musik sowie der Kombination der passenden Szenen ein völlig neues Meisterwerk erschaffen hat. Das ist - in der Tat - wahre Kunst. Chapeau!

This is such a brilliant, ingeniously beautiful work of art, what you have created here, dear and very valued Ambedo. Unique and unreachable in the composition, that I crouch here crying and bow very, very deeply to you for this work of art! This compilation of scenes from season 2, which has been compiled in a real unique arrangement for a new, powerful composition. To my and all fans out there, our "infinite" thanks to Ambedo, the creator of this absolutely epochal work, which has created a completely, total new masterpiece with the help of a brilliant cut, overdubs, fading and selection of the appropriate music as well as the combination of the appropriate scenes. This is true art. As a matter of fact.

In memoriam Faith Fraser, † 1744


... is a compilation of Scenes from Season 2, which has been compiled in a unique arrangement for a new, powerful composition. To my and all fans out there, our "infinite" thanks to the creator of this absolutely epochal work, which has created a completely new masterpiece with the help of a brilliant cut, overdubs, fading and selection of the appropriate music as well as the combination of the appropriate scenes. This is true art. As a matter of fact. Chapeau!

Ich kann noch immer diese 7 Minuten und 57 Sekunden nicht ohne Tränen in den Augen ansehen, denn das was hier gezeigt wird ist einfach einzigartig und sowas von ergreifend ... und gleichzeitig doch auch wundervoll schön ...  


I still can't get the 7 minutes and 57 seconds without having to cry. What is shown here is ... ... is so unique and ... and touches me in a very special way. This is so ... incredibly emotional and at the same time also ... .... gorgeous beautiful!

 Recap Season 1       Trailer Season 1       Die Hochzeit       Jamie bringt Claire zu den Steinen       Übergabe Hochzeitsgeschenk 

 I'll have to go back!       Faith - Extended Scene       Rückkehr auf Schloss Lallybroch