→ 'Outlander' or 'Love is not only (just) a word'
What a luck! WHAT FOR AN EXPERIENCED LUCK! Yes indeed!!! I can not describe it any better as with this simple words. What an almost incomprehensible 'happiness' I had probably on that Wednesday evening in the summer of 2016. After a more than 'only just' stressful day in the office I switched - to turn off something - the TV, let me fall into the chair, bored by One program to another! Here maybe the info that I (still) have no Smart TV, but look in a conventional thick tube! :-(
And I did not want to sit down on the - not so comfortable chair - in front of my desk, just to find something at the well known 'big mail-order' company with the large A. Although I have been quite a long time, but watching TV series was never so mine.
Besides this, I was tired! My mood was accordingly! Nothing, but nothing really pleased me at all, nothing was interesting enough, or was it - at all - worth the fact that I stayed longer on the respective channel. Either it was too 'dry', too stupid, too uninteresting or just 'trashy', so it was not of (any) interest to me. Or it was one of the unspeakable political discussions that crossed all the channels today! Or - even more worse - one of the many '08 / 15 Law & Order Series' American assembly line, which is only about murder & manslaughter. I do not know it openly any more!
But, one program, however was different. I stayed immediately!!! Something I liked here and fascinated me somehow just from the beginning! Immediately! I felt, that what I saw there, was something else, something better, something beautiful ... it what WAS special! 'Outlander'? This did not tell anything to me at first! A series! Mmmm !? Outlander ??? I was not really a friend of serials, and so ... I do not know what I liked at the moment, but I just pause the remote and put myself back leaning back in the chair comfortable. I was 'caught' by that what I saw!
Perhaps it was the opulent and beautiful images of the landscapes I saw in the first moment? Perhaps also my professional interest was involved? Or was it Claire, the pretty protagonist? I do not know it to this day! I leaned back. I felt like I stayed here. With pleasure. Real pleasure. That looked good. Actually very good. That pleased me!
Even now - in retrospect - it is still inexplicable for me, which was fascinating me - without knowing the story! And now, as I'm setting up the english version of the german version, I'm remember this time there and ... tears coming ... about that sooo wonderful story about Claire and Jamie ..
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