The Flicker Box

or How a tube changed our society & the world!

On this subsection you will find TV series I like - because of the story behind the stories. Actually surprising, since I'm so not the classic tv series 'junkie' → TV-Glotzer! Movies have always been on my keen, but series were rather less represented. Why? Usually the plot is mostly too simple and also much too easy to see through. Often I re(act) as a director and in this case I predict the (next) action. On the other hand, the 'commitment' was also / somehow repulsive, at a certain time, again the TV to be 'forced' to see something. But apparently, that was not always (for me) worthy enough!


But, this time is different! Maybe you also like one or the other, listed above, and agree to me here. In general, I do not like 08/15* things, which means in german language the 'standard, boring' stuff. I really go for the different, strange, perhaps not always so 'mainstream' way. For example, at → Lucifer, the hell-boy who comes to earth and likes the life and the "feelings" that life brings with him, and so he has' his own problems with it!


Or the series → Forever, which pleases me with its beautiful flashbacks and the successive composition of the character of Dr. Henry Morgan. I like that. Point! But also simply 'keck' and 'explicit modern' as in → Sex and the City. Or an unusual plot like in → True Blood. Also very good is the new 2016 series from HBO → Westworld, very elaborately produced and a cool plot still in addition.


But it does not always needs or have to be so bombastic and an technical 'overkill'. Dialect and thus a cheeky, refreshing dialect as in → The church remains in the village or the beautiful films of Markus H. Rosenmüller like → Best chance are also always welcome with me.


The best is, as you (might) know, always in the end! What is «Outlander» or what is so special 'behind' «Outlander»?


"Outlander" is different. Not only that the subject is completely differently. I do not mean that. "Outlander" is playing in a different league. For me, "Outlander" also has a very special place, a special meaning. The topic "Outlander" or better known under the title "Highland-Saga" is, however, in no case to be described with only two, three or even more sentences. "Outlander" is an opus, rather an attitude and perhaps even a life task for each and every one of us! This may be incomprehensible to you (by) now, but more about that later.


For that reason, I wrote in the following prologue dialogue for "Outlander" a little more to explain it ...


→ Prologue